Restoring Smiles with Dental Implants
in New Lenox, IL
Having to lose one tooth or several teeth can be a blow to one’s confidence, but what’s more, it can affect your quality of life. And while dentures are certainly a viable solution for improving the appearance and function of your smile, they do have some drawbacks. For example, wearing dentures can gradually wear down the jaw bones over time, so they may not always fit correctly. Also, they do not always afford the wearer complete confidence in their appearance or in their ability to chew and speak normally. With implants, you can feel assured that they’ll stay perfectly in place, and they will never feel like anything other than natural teeth.
Interested to know more about dental implants? Could they be the right choice for you? Call our dental office at (815) 462-4838 to make an appointment.

Are Dental Implants Painful?
While some discomfort is to be expected after your implant or implants are placed, most patients who receive them seem to feel better than expected. Everyone experiences and responds to pain differently, and we’ll be glad to recommend over-the-counter pain relief to help you recover more comfortably.
In general, dental implant procedures are no more painful than any other dental surgery, and you may experience some bruising, swelling, and minor bleeding afterward. For most patients, though, it’s possible to return to normal activity and function the day after the procedure.